
This project was part funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014 – 2020, the Department for the Economy, the Department for Communities and Health and Social Care.
Jayne’s Story
Participant - Project Ignite2
If you have ever wondered what it would be like to have the perfect career, just ask Jayne!
When she was recently interviewed for a video about her job with the Ramada by Wyndham, in Belfast, she was asked, “What do you enjoy most about working here?”, she paused, smiled and then replied, “Everything, I enjoy everything”
Jayne has always had a positive attitude, and this was clear from the first time she was introduced to Orchardville, while still at Park School. She had some barriers to overcome of course, a diagnosis of a mild learning disability, dyslexia and hearing problems, but Jayne has a sunny disposition and quiet determination.
After school she studied for two years at Belfast Metropolitan college and then engaged with the Orchardville Ignite2 project. We offered Jayne a bespoke approach, tailored to her needs. We recognised her barriers and offered ongoing support to overcome them. We helped her to identify her interests and aptitudes and it quickly became clear that she had a passion for catering.
Jayne accepted a work placement at Orchardville’s busy and award winning, Orchard Café at Holywood Arches in Belfast to build her skills and confidence and also completed a recognised catering qualification.
External catering places were then sourced in a variety of local restaurants, including two days a week in the kitchen of the Ramada. This is where Jayne excelled. She quickly become an important part of the team. She was always punctual, reliable and enthusiastic. She learned the important core tasks of food preparation, presentation and service. In July 2018 all Jayne’s hard work paid off and she achieved paid employment with the Ramada.
This will probably not be the end of Jayne’s story. She is ambitious and wants to develop her cooking skills still further. Orchardville will be there to support her all the way!
If you or someone you know would like more information on how Ignite2 can provide the opportunity to gain employment with our support, contact Kirsty Spencer kirsty.spencer@orchardville.com or Michael Walker michael.walker@orchardville.com or on 028 90732326.

This project was part funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014 – 2020, the Department for the Economy, the Department for Communities and Health and Social Care.

This opportunity was provided as part of our Ignite2 programme.
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