Project Next Steps
Community Inclusion
Next Steps supports adults to develop their independence, social skills, a healthy lifestyle and employability skills by offering a range of interesting and challenging activities throughout the week.
About Project Next Steps
Next Steps is a Day Opportunities project for adults with Learning disability living within the North Down and Lisburn areas of the SEHSCT. The project supports adults to develop their independence, social skills, a healthy lifestyle and employability skills by offering a range of interesting and challenging activities throughout the week.
There is a base in each of the areas with excellent facilities for participants. Participants also access the local community, with support staff, to take part in a range of activities including music and drama workshops, local volunteering projects, craft workshops and sports. In addition there is a horticultural unit, Orchardville Grows, in Bangor and a Men’s Shed in Lisburn that also offer opportunities on site each week day.
This service is available Monday to Friday 10 am – 2.00 pm each day and is offered on a group basis with most people attending one or two sessions per week.
How to apply
Applications for this project can be made by the North Down or Lisburn Adult Learning Disability teams or by contacting
Project Next Steps is funded by the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust.