This event was part funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014 – 2020, the Department for the Economy, the Department for Communities, Investors in People and Health and Social Care.
Titanic Takeover
News Story - 20/11/18
In November nine participants from Orchardville’s ESF funded Ignite2 project had the opportunity to stage a ‘Museum Takeover’ at one of the world’s leading visitor attractions, the iconic Titanic Belfast!
On ‘Takeover Day’ participants were paired with a ‘shipmate’ mentor, to take over operations across the exhibition’s Visitor Experience, Hospitality, Photographic, Learning and Retail departments; with all participants receiving Titanic Belfast’s bespoke “Five Skills to Five Star” training and Health and Safety preparation beforehand.
To all involved, participants were ‘buoyed’ by their experience of the day!
– Matthew Patterson, Visitor Experience
– Aidan McFadden, Bistro 401
– Christina McConnell, Housekeeping
Heather Graham, Titanic Belfast’s Head of Human Resources said,
Our thanks go again to Titanic Belfast for their ongoing commitment and support to facilitate such a wonderful learning experience for our participants. We’ll keep you updated as to each participant’s progress on their journey towards employment.
If you or someone you know would like more information on how Ignite2 can provide the opportunity to gain employment with our support, contact Kirsty Spencer kirsty.spencer@orchardville.com or Michael Walker michael.walker@orchardville.com or on 028 90732326.
This event was part funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014 – 2020, the Department for the Economy, the Department for Communities, Investors in People and Health and Social Care.
This event was organised as part of our Ignite2 programme.
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