Titanic Takeover - Orchardville



This event was part funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014 – 2020, the Department for the Economy, the Department for Communities, Investors in People and Health and Social Care.

Titanic Takeover

News Story - 20/11/18

In November nine participants from Orchardville’s ESF funded Ignite2 project had the opportunity to stage a ‘Museum Takeover’ at one of the world’s leading visitor attractions, the iconic Titanic Belfast!

On ‘Takeover Day’ participants were paired with a ‘shipmate’ mentor, to take over operations across the exhibition’s Visitor Experience, Hospitality, Photographic, Learning and Retail departments; with all participants receiving Titanic Belfast’s bespoke “Five Skills to Five Star” training and Health and Safety preparation beforehand.

To all involved, participants were ‘buoyed’ by their experience of the day!

“I worked on admissions, the gantry and on the Titanic Beneath glass floor in the Titanic Experience. I really enjoyed learning new facts about Titanic and teaching these to guests. I also liked interacting with all the VE crew here at Titanic Belfast.”
– Matthew Patterson, Visitor Experience
“I wanted to have work experience at Northern Ireland’s best tourist attraction so I could put it on my CV!”
– Aidan McFadden, Bistro 401
“I learned how important it is to keep this public building clean and tidy, making sure there’s no spillages on the floor – to keep it safe!”
– Christina McConnell, Housekeeping

Heather Graham, Titanic Belfast’s Head of Human Resources said,

“As one of the UK’s most accessible attractions, we are committed to ensuring access to employment by making any reasonable adjustments to break down barriers which could prevent access to employment. As such, we are very proud of our partnership with Orchardville, and the Museum Takeover Day, is a very special part of this. Credit must be paid to everyone who took part, they were all fabulous and definitely have the ‘T’ factor we look for. It was great to see them develop over the course of the training and day itself!”

Our thanks go again to Titanic Belfast for their ongoing commitment and support to facilitate such a wonderful learning experience for our participants. We’ll keep you updated as to each participant’s progress on their journey towards employment.

If you or someone you know would like more information on how Ignite2 can provide the opportunity to gain employment with our support, contact Kirsty Spencer kirsty.spencer@orchardville.com or Michael Walker michael.walker@orchardville.com or on 028 90732326.

This event was part funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014 – 2020, the Department for the Economy, the Department for Communities, Investors in People and Health and Social Care.


This event was organised as part of our Ignite2 programme.

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At work in the Orchard Café, Belfast

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